17 August 2020 Whilst clearing a few plants next to a path this wonderful looking caterpillar crept out: A quick check on the iNaturalist app identified it as an Elephant Hawkmoth caterpillar, so called because it looks like an elephants trunk! They are usually found between July and September, the two enormous, black eyespots towards […]
Small Tortoiseshell catterpillars
Although I leave a lot of nettles to grow in my hedge and other wilder areas of the garden I rarely see any catterpillars on them. Just down the road from our house is an expanse of nettles growing under oak and chestnut trees and this week there have been loads of catterpillars on them. […]
Grey Dagger Moth Caterpillar
I was pruning back some of the lower branches of an oak tree in our hedge this morning in order to let in a bit more light and to provide some more firewood. When I took a break for a cup of tea I found this little fellow on my arm: It is a […]