The edge of one of our wild areas, where it meets the grass path, hosts a beautiful speedwell. I think this one is the birds-eye speedwell. Speedwell is also known as Paul’s Bettony and is used as a medicinal herb. A long blooming, easy to care for perennial, Speedwell is prized as a garden flower […]
Tomato This year (2013) we have grown tomatoes inside the greenhouse and outside on one of our mini-Hugel beds. The variety on the Mini-Hugel beds are Tumbling Tom and they are doing better than the ones in the greenhouse!
Wood Avens
Wood Avens (Geum urbanum) Wood Avens are also known as: herb Bennet colewort St.Benedict’s herb It is very common around our area especially down in the woods. It is apparently a member of the rose family but it seems to love shady areas and grows well along our hedge and in our wooded area of […]
Gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa) We have been growing gooseberries for many years now. As a child they were not my most favourite fruit but since we have grown our own I have come to like them much more. i know some people are put off them by their flavour, they aren’t always the sweetest of fruit, […]
Potato During the winter months in particular potatoes are a main part of our diet. They are usually so cheap to buy from our local veg stall and the farmers market that we don’t grow a huge number but we do like to grow some and they taste fantastic when they come straight out of […]
Birch tree
Birch trees We have a number of birch trees in the garden. the first one we planted, along with a Rowan, was a weeping silver birch. This is a beautiful small tree which had it’s growing tip knocked off so it has grown lop sided in the inner garden. It hangs gracefully over a pergola […]