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Herb Robert

Herb Robert

Over the last few years Herb Robert has spread across our garden, where it has become too invasive we rip it up and add it to the compost heap. For years I have known that it has medicinal benefits but it is only since starting this website that I have got around to finding out […]



Quince (Cydonia oblonga) One of the first fruit trees we planted on the “tennis court” part of the garden was a quince. It has grown well and the flowers it produces are stunning, as buds they can spiral in either direction and there is a beautiful gradient of colour along the petals from almost white […]



Borage (Borago officinalis) Borage has a beautiful small blue flower which attracts all sorts of insects, especially bees and hover flies. In our garden it self seeds and spreads everywhere but we tolerate it because it is such a beautiful and useful plant. It has a deep root which breaks up the soil and it […]



Cleavers (Galium Aparine) Cleavers has many different names, two that I grew up with were sticky-willy and goose grass. As children we had great fun with goose grass as it is very sticky and we would pick large clumps of it and stick it to the backs of our friends. Of course, the stickiness has […]